Spring Break Sale!
It's Spring Break, so I figured it's a perfect time to throw a sale! Woohoo!!! All of my products will be 15% off from Tuesday, April 22nd - Thursday, April 24th! It's a great time to grab some fun end of the year activities!
It's crazy how fast the year comes to an end after this vacation. Yikes! There is always so much to do and so little time! Projects, field trips, end of the year author's breakfast, and of course assessments, assessments, and more assessments! Well at least that's how I always feel! Between DRA's, DIBELS, the end of the year math test, portfolios- the list goes on! In the mix of all this, I am always looking for the kids to have a memory book before they leave me so I figured I'd create one! If you are interested, check out my new End of Year Memory Books for Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade!
Have a great week!!!
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